Wednesday, August 19, 2015

It is getting very busy here in Spain

All of a sudden it is getting very busy.  With masses of people. Peregrinos, tourists, and Europeans closing up and taking their vacations. 

I am staying tonight in a non descript town of 2000 but it is packed.  I could not find a bed, much less a room. My only option, which I took without hesitation, was sleeping on the floor in the municipal Albergues. 

That is my stuff in the first picture. In the next few minutes that's where I will be. As you can see from the second picture I will not be alone.  

Sweet dreams!!


  1. Hi Neil-So sorry none of my blog responses have reached you in spite of help from the greatest techie minds available. So, to the rescue is Denise -sending this for me. "Congratulations! Your cozy but nice looking spot to sleep will serve you well -because you must be so tired! You look so happy in the picture with the statue. Have sweet dreams!

    Nancy Chenay Kennedy
    sent from my iPhone

  2. I bet the floor will feel like heaven tonight! Denise
