During my stay last night in an aubergue (like a hostel for pilgrims) in Roncesvalles in the province of Navarra in northern Spain, I was one of 200 pilgrims.
I have not met or seen another American.
Plenty of Italians, French, Irish, Scots, Fins, Brazilians, Hungarians, Japanese, Brits -- you name it.
But no Americans.
They say that approximately 230,000 completed a portion of the El Camino pilgrimage in 2013. From 183 countries.
15% start where I started, St. Pied de Port in France. 70% take the Camino Frances (the French route) which I am taking.
August is the busiest month with over 45,000 joining in.
Regardless, the highlight of the trip so far has been meeting fellow peregrinos from all different nations with many varied backgrounds.
Not a ton of Americans in Scotland either?